Friday, July 01, 2011

Oh, Haute Damn!

I'm just going to go out on a limb and assume that you, my beloved readership, aren't really high fashion snobs. Maybe you are, and that's cool. Why you're reading my blog is beyond me, but, hey, I can roll with it.

Given that assumption, then, I am also going to assume that Amazon's roll out of MYHABIT hasn't phased you, in the least. However, for me, I've been phased. I've taken to finding "shoe porn" and sending it to a friend every morning. These are shoes there is no way on this Earth I'd probably ever be able to afford, but, who cares? They're sexy!

Today's shoe required special mention:

At a discounted $119 you should all jump on that... Or, just buy me a pair (account required). A size 10 would be just fine.


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