Friday, December 01, 2006

Guns, and Sticking To 'Em

Well, I'll be honest, I seriously considered going to the concert Musician was putting on at lunch today. Fortunately, fate wisely kept me from it.

When I got to work I discovered WalksSoftly had scheduled a meeting for us, at 12-12:30. The concert went from 12-1. Ok, I figured, I would miss the first half, then, if I couldn't keep myself away I would show up for the second half.

That didn't happen.

After the meeting I had to check with one of the developers about a bug we had been emailing about. I went to his office, chatted with him, and we made a decision. Then, as I was about to leave, he asked, "Have you eaten lunch yet?" This was followed by an invitation to join him and his office-mate. I did, and it was quite pleasant. The interesting thing about this? I have previously mentioned him here as my least favorite developer. By Halloween we were being down-right pleasant with one another, and can even have conversations that include laughter. Lunch, I think was a big step. It's interesting. He's friends with RC—they play ball together, actually—so I think RC may have said something about all the animosity between us to him, though I doubt it. I think we've just decided to be nicer to one another, and not jump to the defensive when the other says something that could be potentially misconstrued. Is it all me? Certainly not. It's been a joint, unspoken, effort. Frankly, I'm glad for it. The irony of the miscommunications is, naturally, that English happens to be both of our first languages, a rarity at InternetCompany.

What this meant, of course (which is why I brought it up in the first place), is that I missed the second half of the concert. Which is good. I don't want Musician to think I'm throwing myself at him. Though, that could be arranged.


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