Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Phone Call

My best friend in the whole wide world, RedRat, called me tonight. We haven't talked in about a year. I think I called her when I moved to Seattle. I think.

She called to wish me a happy birthday, and, truly, that was the best gift I could have been given. I love her so much, and I've missed her so much and I had so much to tell her, but I could never find the words. There have been so many times this past year that I've wanted to call her up and cry on her shoulder, but I always felt awkward, since I'd have to bring her up to speed on things that I didn't know how to vocalize, and then when I didn't call, the things I hadn't told her just increased.

We talked for a hour and a half.

I told her about ExOfNote and his desire to end his life, and Musician and his lack of desire to date me. I told her about my lousy job and my psycho former roommate PuppyDogsAndBows.

She told me gooey, gooey news. She's (shh, Mumsy, don't tell too many people) hoping I can visit her sometime after September so that I can see the latest addition to the family. I am so happy for her. Being a mom is something she has wanted as long as I can remember, and she'll make a most excellent one.

Before all of this started she did have one thing to say to me, "Gorp, can I ask you a question? And I want you to be totally honest, and I'll be totally honest."

"Sure." Can you guess what she was going to ask? I did.

"Do you have a nose jewel?"

We talked about the when and the why and she assured me that I'm "beautiful with out it" and that I "don't need it to be unique". I love her so much. I'm not sure she understood that I didn't do it to make myself more unique, or because I think I need it to be beautiful. She was heartened when I told her it is a phase I fully intend to outgrow. She was a little disheartened when I told her I wasn't planning on outgrowing it this year.

She is one of those people who makes you want to be a better person, but doesn't judge you for falling short. I wish I could be more like that. I mean, I'm accepting of most everyone, but I don't think by virtue of hanging around me they have a desire to improve themselves. That's the part that I'd like to emulate.

I did tell her that I'm Sunday School teacher. Her reaction: "OH! I bet you're a great Sunday School teacher! I'd love to sit in on one of your classes." I'd love that, too.


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