Sunday, October 28, 2007

Inconsiderate Jerk

They're, once again, resurfacing the parking lot in my apartment complex. This time they blocked off right in front of my apartment for two days. Lovely.

Friday evening I got home really late, so I parked in such a way that I might have been blocking one garage space. From where I was it looked like it should be fine, the driver might have to take a little more care than they'd like, but I was pretty sure they could get into (or out of) their garage.

Apparently the owner didn't agree. When I got to my car Saturday morning (a mere 9 hours later—really, I got home at midnight and left around 9) I had a love note on my windshield. "Stop blocking my garage you inconsiderate f---" I was admonished. Lovely. I toyed with the idea of taping a note to his garage (for there is no way that was written by a chick) apologizing for the inconvenience and explaining that as a single female getting home at midnight it certainly was not safe for me to be walking around alone. Perhaps next time the parking situation requires that I park 2 or 3 blocks from my building I can call him up for an escort since, I would appear, he's a pretty intimidating guy. I opted, instead, to do nothing. I did keep his note, just in case he damaged my car. A check over later reviled no key scratches, so that's good.

All in all, with neighbors like, that I'm glad I blocked his spot instead of walking around alone at all hours of the morning/night. Who knows what might have jumped out of the bushes and maimed me.


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