Friday, October 17, 2008

Not the Royal "We"

It had been a long week. A very long week. And Bill and I were walking to his place before heading out for the evening. Mid-stride he asked "So, what should we be for Halloween?"

I really wasn't sure how to answer that. On one hand, this could be the opportunity I vacillate between wanting and dreading, or, it could be nothing.

He interpreted my pause with nearly 100% accuracy. "I mean, 'we,' as individuals, not as 'we.' What should we each be for Halloween? What should you be, and what should I be?"

We never did get around to having that discussion, and I still don't know. Though, I did suggest that "we" go as a "we". Mostly to screw with our co-workers, but also because that would be kind of fun.


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