Thursday, January 06, 2011


Once again, no resolutions for me. Amazingly liberating.

However, after taking a week off work and running during the day rather than in the dark I realized how much better it is. With that in mind I've decided to start running over lunch two days a week to see how I like it and if it works. Wednesday as I was out there sweating on the trail I passed a number of notably more fit individuals and couldn't help but assume that they were all looking at me and judging me to be a New Years Resolutionist who were smug in their own self-satisfaction that I'm going to put in a good show for a couple of weeks and then retire my expensive new exercise gear to the back of my closet until next year. Little do all of them know, I've been at this for months. I suck at it, yes, but I'm not throwing in the towel any time soon. And so, to them I say, "Suck it, judgmental fit people. You have no idea what I have under the hood."


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