By now you've figured out that I don't tend to get too terribly political over here. I can remain silent no longer.
In a time where the FBI has (finally!) redefined rape to expand the scope from just the “carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will” to a more broad definition designed to include men (in part: “the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim (from the DOJ))," various men in politics are seeking to redefine it in quite the opposite direction.
Let's start with Ron Paul and his Feb 3rd CNN interview when he stated that if it's an "honest rape" he'd allow the woman to take the morning after pill. Go to CNN for video of the bizarre mangling of logic that Paul goes through to arrive at what one blog commenter labeled "Schrodinger's abortion". On one hand, I could kiss that commenter for their observation. On the other, let's go back to the wording "honest rape." Is there such a thing as "dishonest rape"? It's not like people accidentally rape someone. Or lie about how they did rape someone when, in reality, they didn't. So, basically, what we have is (according to Paul's interview) a woman who, at 7 months in, decides she doesn't want to be pregnant any more and so waltz's into the doctor's office for the super trendy 28th week abortion. Uh... yeah.
Now on to this afternoon's comments from Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for Senate in Missouri. Today Akin announced to the world that "if it's a legitimate rape the female body has way to try to shut that whole thing [pregnancy] down". Wow. Just wow. I'd like to know when this little miracle of evolution came along. It must just be an American thing, since there are still women in war-savaged countries bearing the babies of their enemies. I'd comment on that happening in America, but, apparently I'm mistaken and those women haven't been "legitimately raped." Clearly they were all "illegitimately raped," which is how they got pregnant.
Allow me an open letter to the Conservatives in this country:
Just because you don't like abortion doesn't mean you can redefine rape to make it so that no one could possibly be legally raped thus allowing yourself to get out of that pesky moral loophole that we all love (life of the mother, incest, and rape). The thing about rape is: it's inconvenient. It only happens when we don't want it. Trust me, if we could just clap our hands and wish very hard to make rape never happen again I promise you that every woman alive would participate in a global clap-a-thon. And, let's say that you do manage to redefine out rape, how are you going to define out incest or what the "life of the mother" means?
In a time where the FBI has (finally!) redefined rape to expand the scope from just the “carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will” to a more broad definition designed to include men (in part: “the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim (from the DOJ))," various men in politics are seeking to redefine it in quite the opposite direction.
Let's start with Ron Paul and his Feb 3rd CNN interview when he stated that if it's an "honest rape" he'd allow the woman to take the morning after pill. Go to CNN for video of the bizarre mangling of logic that Paul goes through to arrive at what one blog commenter labeled "Schrodinger's abortion". On one hand, I could kiss that commenter for their observation. On the other, let's go back to the wording "honest rape." Is there such a thing as "dishonest rape"? It's not like people accidentally rape someone. Or lie about how they did rape someone when, in reality, they didn't. So, basically, what we have is (according to Paul's interview) a woman who, at 7 months in, decides she doesn't want to be pregnant any more and so waltz's into the doctor's office for the super trendy 28th week abortion. Uh... yeah.
Now on to this afternoon's comments from Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for Senate in Missouri. Today Akin announced to the world that "if it's a legitimate rape the female body has way to try to shut that whole thing [pregnancy] down". Wow. Just wow. I'd like to know when this little miracle of evolution came along. It must just be an American thing, since there are still women in war-savaged countries bearing the babies of their enemies. I'd comment on that happening in America, but, apparently I'm mistaken and those women haven't been "legitimately raped." Clearly they were all "illegitimately raped," which is how they got pregnant.
Allow me an open letter to the Conservatives in this country:
Just because you don't like abortion doesn't mean you can redefine rape to make it so that no one could possibly be legally raped thus allowing yourself to get out of that pesky moral loophole that we all love (life of the mother, incest, and rape). The thing about rape is: it's inconvenient. It only happens when we don't want it. Trust me, if we could just clap our hands and wish very hard to make rape never happen again I promise you that every woman alive would participate in a global clap-a-thon. And, let's say that you do manage to redefine out rape, how are you going to define out incest or what the "life of the mother" means?
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