Sunday, October 16, 2005

Middle C

All my life I have wondered what Middle C is, and what purpose it served. When I was a child I determined that Middle C was in the middle of the piano, and that was why it existed and why we called it Middle C. Made sense to me. On Friday I was asking some of the guys how to transpose something from Treble to Bass Clef. They were all unhelpful, until the guy who actually studied music in college walked in. He fixed my drawing on my white board and shed some light on that which we call "Middle C." It was quite an epiphany for me! I was shocked, and wondered why no one had bothered to let me in on this little secret. Why, oh why, did I have to wait until I was old and grey? What a beautiful thing this turned out to be. Now that you are all wondering either what is so great about Middle C or, how I could be so stupid as to not know, let me share the wonders of my discovery with everyone.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could have told ya that granola. I can't believe u didn't know that. Really though, I did know. Don't believe me, Call me on it. ;)

October 18, 2005 5:14 pm  

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