Wednesday, February 07, 2007


As I was rushing to the bus this evening a rather cute young man approached me and asked if I had a minute to help Greenpeace stop global warming. I told him, thanks, but no, I'm not the biggest fan the Greenpeace. He asked why I felt that way, and so I answered, "Um, domestic terrorism." Impressively, he didn't seem overly taken back, instead he said, "Why? We're not ELF, or (some other group, I forget, currently). We participate only in civil disobedience, not violence." He went on for a bit, but I had to run, so I thanked him, and told him that I still hate on Greenpeace. As I left him he called after me, "God loves you!" I replied, "I know He does!" I should have said, "He loves you, too!" but, I didn't.

Oh, and I came home and googled Greenpeace, seems they really are still all about civil disobedience, which is a methodology I can get behind. So, now, I have to rethink my hating on 'em. One thing though: global warming? Scientists can't even agree to what extent humans are actually impacting it. Sheesh.

If I see the cute activist again, I might just have to pause and strike up another conversation with him.


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