Monday, April 30, 2007

Good Friends

MapGuy called me last night, since I had sent him a text message inviting him to movie night and he wasn't going to be able to make it. He quickly sensed that something was wrong. He asked me what was going on and I told him that tomorrow is the year mark for ExOfNote. He told me that he was going to come over and spend today with me so that I wouldn't be alone. I really appreciated that.

This morning I got up much earlier than I would have liked and spent the morning moping around and doing art. Fortunately, Lurch's insurance has lapped, so he needed me to give him a ride to church, otherwise I might have skipped. Anyway, church was fine. After church we had Munch 'n' Mingle: potluck baby! I made ok tasting potato salad, nothing to really write home about.

Afterwards my visiting teacher came over and we chatted for two hours. As we were
talking MapGuy called. I ignored it. He called back shortly thereafter and left a message. Then, as we were wrapping up, he knocked on my door and let himself in (I rarely lock my door when I'm home and expecting company—everyone knows it). I was so glad to see him.

Mostly, as much as I wanted to be alone today to have a pity party I knew I shouldn't. I'm so glad that I have such a good friend who cares enough to help me out when I need it, but don't really want it.


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