Saturday, February 12, 2005

Happenings of Note

Just when I think my week is going in conclude with nothing of overwhelming interest occurring I get to work and fire up the ol' gmail. 400 million new messages await me. (Ok, that's not true. I wish that that many people liked me. In all actuality, there were probably about 10 or 15, the majority of which were 'Office Spam.') Quickly, I scan through the list, deftly deleting those that don't pertain to me, or, have managed to slip through the filters and want me to 'show her [I] love her this Valentine's Day, with [my] enlarged manhood.'

As I scan the list I see an interesting looking email from a friend of mine who has recently graduated, and has a grown-up job with a (relatively) big name company here in Happy Valley (so big, in fact, that none of my siblings have ever heard of them). The gist of the email is basically telling me that his boss is looking to hire someone full-time, and he (my friend) thinks that I match the description (and will fit well with his team), and if I want I should send him my resume to pass on to his boss. Not averse to getting a grown-up job I open my resume, delete the part that says I want to work for Micro$oft, save it, and send it over. Later in the day said friend and I chat about the job, and do I really want to work for this company, considering their lay-off policy, which seems to be: "every quarter lay-off 500 people, whether we need it or not." At this point, gentle reader, you may have divined about whom I am speaking -- let's just keep that between you, me, and the fence-post, k?

All of the proceeding has transpired pre-2pm.

At 5:30 I extract myself from the depths of the labs in which I dwell to discover I have missed a call at 5:18. The message on my phone informs me in a friendly voice: "Hello, GranolaGirl, this is YourPotentialBoss with BigNameCompany; I got your resume from H.R., and wanted to talk with you about maybe coming in for an interview. The sooner the better, so maybe tomorrow or Monday. My number here is 555-5555. Thank you." herm... I go ahead and ring back, no answer. Thus, I decide to wait until morning to try again. Friday morning rolls around, and I call MyPotentialBoss. He's not in, so I leave a message. He calls me back, but I'm in class. Finally, class ends, and I ring him up immediately. He wants me to come in as soon as I can. I tell him the soonest I can come in is late in the day, or early Monday. We tentatively set up late Friday. I tell him I'll check my schedule and see if there is anyway I can come in sooner. If so, I'll give him a call.

When I get to work and set about the business of deleting more Office Spam when I see an email from the course T.A. -- class is cancelled. Immediately, I call MyPotentialBoss and let him know that my afternoon is suddenly freed up. He asks if I can come in at 3. Done.

I race home, fret over what to wear, bless my roommate for offering me a ride, and show up, 20 minutes early. I tell the receptionist that I'm there, she rings him, and he makes his way down. At this point, allow me to spare you the boring details -- not that it would matter, after all, you've stuck around this far, haven't you? Needless to say, minus the question I answered with 'I'm not even going to attempt to B.S. my way through that one." I think I nailed it.

5:20 rolls around, and my friend rings me. 'Hey, gGirl, where'd you interview?' 'Um, BigNameCompany, you might have heard of them.' 'No, I mean, what team?' I tell him, I'm really not sure, the guy I interviewed with was named MyPotentialBoss, the code name for the project they are working on is NoneOfYourBusiness, and it sounds like it's really neat technology. 'Oh. Yeah, that's not my team. I don't know what happened, but that wasn't the job I put your resume in for. I guess my boss might still be calling you, so don't be surprised!' More pleasantries, and he signs off. Yes, friends, that's right. I applied for a job I knew nothing about, and interviewed for the wrong job, with a company I'm not sure I want to work for, will probably have another interview (this time for the right job, that I still know nothing about) and might even get an offer or two for my efforts. So many choices. The worst/best/evilest part of the story is yet to come. I first considered including it here, but this is getting much longer than I previously anticipated. Thus, my friends, I bid you good night.


Blogger granola girl said...

Heh. Cool, thanks for letting me know. :)

February 14, 2005 9:40 am  

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