Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Why 'Womyn' Piss Me Off

Ok people, let’s address an issue that I've been consistently ignoring in the hopes that it would go the way of the dodo-bird. Sadly, it has not, and a new, younger, generation is picking up on it, making it almost a *shudder* trend among those who claim to be liberated ladies (Can I still use that word and not offend any of those in question? Who really cares, anyway?).

Before I jump up-and-down on my soap box, permit me to take this one liberty: I consider myself a rather educated, liberated, self-determined, and self-sufficient individual. In addition to all that, I am also a woman. Yes, a female. A member of the fairer sex. One day, I even aspire to be a chairman of some committee or board. There are some girls out there, however, who are bound-and-determined that I shall no longer be any of these things, and shall, instead be deemed a 'womyn' and eventually Madam 'chair-womyn' or 'chair-person' of the board. Goodness knows what I shall be called instead of 'female,' I've been avoiding searching out such a definition, for fear that I may encounter uneducated mindless driveling propaganda from the nut-jobs who seek to perpetuate this movement.

Before you attack me and tell me that I it is my duty as a liberated womyn to look at the propaganda that I have been so consistently dodging, let me assure you, I have looked into your arguments, I understand the point of view of those who first suggested the changes, I even understand the motivation, I just don't agree with it. And, no, I'm not interested in visiting your Web site that is dedicated to telling suppressed womyn such as myself, why THIS CHANGE MUST BE MADE IMMEDIATLY, TO PREVENT THE SUBJECATION OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF WOMYN BEING RAISED UP TODAY!!!!1!!1!! Frankly, I don't care what you have to say. Why? Because you know, and I know, and now you know that I know, that all of the 'information' on your Web site (or blog, or on-line journal, or Womyn's Rights Page) came from one or more of the following sources:

1. Someone else’s' Web site, blog, on-line journal, or Womyn's Right Page
2. Your girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, or a similar source. Who we both know probably got their information from one of the above sources (either directly, or indirectly)

Additionally, we also both know that none of it came from:

1. Real first-hand experience of being grossly suppressed based solely on your gender. Other factors quite probably were present when you were being 'suppressed,' such as your:

(a) race -- I'm not dumb enough to believe that this isn't an issue anymore;
(b) sexual-orientation;
(c) what you were wearing -- just because you're a 'liberated womyn' doesn't mean you can wear hiking boots and ripped jeans to a fancy restaurant, I sure don't want your garb interfering with my dinning experience;
(d) personal hygiene -- see clothing, but extend it to be in reference to everything from my dinning experience to my hour next to you whilst riding public transit. You can dress like a hooker on the Metro all you'd like, just wash your clothes and shower before leaving the house, okay? I promise I will, too;
(e) language;
(f) demeanor; or
(g) maybe just the fact that the poor pock-marked kid working at the local movie house didn't give a rip if you were a 'woman' or a 'womyn' and just wanted you to move your liberated a$$ out of the way so he could clean up the popcorn you threw at the man next to you, because he looked at you wrong.

2. Your brain. Yes, I am accusing you of being incapable of independent thinking. Get over it. Go cry (or storm) to any of the above sources from whence you gleaned your information. She'll reassure you that you are, in deed, a brilliant womyn who is going to make changes in this world, and it's your responsibility to help those womyn such as myself who are so entrenched in our subservient roles that we need you to free us from such bonds.

In addition to that is the sad fact that while gender suppression does exists in this world, the people who are screaming about it wouldn't really know what it truly is, even if they were hit in the head with it. No, the women who really know first-hand are too busy trying to survive and make it day-to-day to worry about how to spell the word that defines their gender.

*Cough* and, that is why 'womyn' piss me off. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go back to earning more money than my male counter-parts. Buh-bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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February 01, 2005 3:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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February 01, 2005 3:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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February 01, 2005 3:36 pm  
Blogger granola girl said...

Sorry 'Anonymous' -- I'm not usually into censorship, however, when it involves overly foul words, near-nekked pictures of women, and my blog, I reserve the right to do just that. In the future you might want to grow up.

February 01, 2005 5:12 pm  

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