Tuesday, November 01, 2005


My biggest consideration when deciding to accept the job that I now have with BigNameCompany was the layoff policy -- once a year, minimum. Now that our fiscal year has drawn to a close, and we didn't make as much money as we thought we ought, said layoffs have reared their ugly heads. Rumor has it, they're set for tomorrow, 10-20% of the workforce. Frankly, I'm scared. Little things that on their own might not mean that much suddenly have huge significance. Take the white board, for example. There is an empty cubicle and for the past few weeks an amusing discussion has been taking place on it. I have been a contributor, and enjoy reading what others write. This morning the white board was blank, someone had erased it. Oh well, I thought, probably the cleaning crew. I wrote a funny note and left. This afternoon, the white board has been cleaned again. Is that because someone thinks it's not funny or is annoyed by the lame conversation? Or, is it a sign that today might be my last full day of work. I'm not really sure. Frankly, I'm unsettled. I really just want to go home and cry and be paranoid. That's pretty useless, however. Since, if I do manage to escape the layoffs tomorrow I will have wasted a day's work. If I end up getting layedoff, I'll just have an extra couple of days of holiday.

Still, I'm scared.


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