Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Since my car is decidedly out of commission Sweetheart and Nanny have been driving me everywhere. Sweetheart picked me up tonight and was planning on taking me home. However, she was falling asleep on the bishop's couch, so (our dear friend) Creepy offered to give me a lift. She assured him that it was ok, and she'd provide the ride. He offered again, and she once again declined.

Later we were standing in the kitchen preparing to leave when we all noticed how tired she was. He again offered. This time, however, I had to take him up on it. She was really too tired to drive the extra 10-15 minutes out of her way. The ride home was mostly uneventful (blissfully no more comments on the Bodies exhibit and my subsidization of his attendance). When he dropped me off, however, I told him where to drop me off, and that he could then just flip a U-ie and go out the way he came in. "How 'bout I flip it now and then you can get out afterwards. That way I can enjoy the pleasure of your company a little while longer?"

I had no choice but to comply. Icky. Icky. Icky!!! I wish he would get the hint that I'm not interested. I mean, really, if I were remotely interested I would have either agreed to subsidizing his ticket to the show, or made some sort of explanation (budget, etc) why I couldn't pay, rather than denying him outright. I mean, good heavens! I paid $75 bucks to go to a concert with one boy, certainly I could afford $10 for another to see some dead people. He seriously needs to get hit by a clue-by-four, and post haste.


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