Friday, September 14, 2007

Mormon Mafia

The less than brilliant management company is having our parking lot resurfaced tomorrow. Which means: I had to move Willie. Yes, the big white van that has gone nowhere for the last year. I went down to start it, and not surprisingly (but still frustratingly), it wouldn't start. The battery was totally dead.

I decided to take the opportunity to get it in to the shop. Sweetheart recommended a place, so I called them up. They gave me the number to the tow company they use and I placed yet another call. The dispatcher took my number and told me that she would have her driver give me a call when he got close. He called, and as I was giving him final directions to get here he asked about my area code. Since it's still Utah I get asked that a lot.

I told him I moved from there and he asked if I was Mormon. I said yes, and was surprised when he said that he is, too. After he got here we jumped the car, discussed my options, and decided to just pay for the jump and move the car to the church parking lot. Since my tags are expired Sweetheart said she'd follow close behind me. The driver said that would be a good idea, and if it died between here and there to give him a call on his cell phone and he'd come jump the car for me. He was sure to mention to not call the company, or else he'd have to charge me a second time.

Sweetheart and I got in our cars. He headed to his truck, then told me he'd follow me, just in case. Well, I ended up needing a second jump, but then, we got to the church just fine. He looked over my engine and gave me some suggestions on what repairs I could probably make myself, and which I could probably skip for a while. Nice. All told we probably spent an hour dealing with the car.

To think, I probably would have received exactly what I had originally asked for (a tow to the garage) had we not discovered that we were both LDS. And, once again, the Mormon Mafia comes through. Excellent!


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