Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Post-it T-shirt

Have you ever noticed how video games have the most scantly clad women as heroines. The men, mostly clad. The women, barely clad. Generally I can overlook this. However, one of my coworkers has a wall calendar from one such video game. The month of September has a three very intimidating looking women. The woman in the center, while looking like she could kick my trash while hog-tied, is hardly clothed. I have rapidly become tired of looking at her endowments, so today, while he was away from his desk, I strategically placed a post-in note cut out in the shape of a t-shirt in the middle of his calendar.

When I walked by later he was there, and so was the post-it note t-shirt. I'm glad he got the message and I didn't have to be awkward about it. Frankly, I don't care about the calendar, I don't want to make a big deal about it, I don't want him to, necessarily, take it down. I just want to not have to look at that chick's boobs every time I walk down the hall for the next month. Now, I don't have to.


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