Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Hire

Nope, we didn't hire someone new. Tragic, since we've been looking since I started. We did, however, barely escape hiring someone. Someone, who I don't think was particularly qualified.

In today's post-interview meeting my boss sat there for 20 minutes attempting to convince the other 10 people in the room that we should hire this guy. The question on the table was: "We know he doesn't meet our expectations. With a lot of mentoring, could he? And, if so, do we have the person-power to spend training him?" My boss was adamant that we did; I was adamant that we didn't. Why? Because we already have 3-4 people on the team would need mentoring; and only one person doing any level of mentoring. That one person? Moi. Naturally.

After we finally told him that we weren't going to hire this guy I was grousing in the elevator to another co-worker, "I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to mentor anyone else! I'm not even supposed to be mentoring these people, and yet I am! Why is that, anyway?" "Because," came his observant, but simultaneously annoyingly accurate reply, "you're the only one who can put it into words they'll understand."

Excellent. The person who can't stand stupid people is responsible for mentoring the under achievers because, why? She can speak stupid-people-ese. I need a new job. Or at least one where I'm appreciated (by my own boss, that is).


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