Monday, July 28, 2008

Drama Queen Meets Mr. Impatient

I picked up my new bike last night. It's all shinny and new. And purple.

After picking it up I went to Bill's place so he could teach me to ride. We rode around on the black top of some random little school yard for a bit, then Bill insisted that we go on the street. Yeah, that wasn't a little scary!

Over the course of the evening a few things were brought to the forefront:
a) I'm all sorts of stupid stubborn;
b) When I get frustrated and in over my head I become a bit of a drama queen; and
c) He's impatient—which is ironic given that homeslice has a punctuality problem.

Add attempting to teach a grown woman to ride a bike, stir, and sit back as hilarity ensues.

Oh, and I was heckled by some vagabond in a park area because I looked so pathetic on the bike. I'm not saying she was wrong, I'm saying that being heckled by a woman in her situation in life is a good way to take a girl down a peg or three.


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