Thursday, July 03, 2008

(Logical) Friday

Since we have tomorrow off, tonight is, essentially, Friday night!

I asked (Intern)Bill if he wanted to do something, so we decided to get some dinner then go to the Seattle Art Museum. The final option was an Indian Restaurant neither of us had ever heard of before.

Dinner was nice enough. It wasn't delicious, but we enjoyed it ok.

Afterwards the server asked us if we wanted dessert. We declined and asked for our bill. When she returned she had a bowl with two spoons and the billfold. "Here's some dessert for you both." She said with a smile, and left us to it.

We determined it was rice pudding (definitely not vegan), so it was all his. He enjoyed it, but I am still a little curious why they gave us complimentary dessert when the lady at the table next to us (who helped identify the dish) didn't get one. Perhaps telling was the fact that there was one bowl and two spoons. I think they were trying to help us out. Cute!

We ended up at the art walk instead of the SAM, which was just as well by me. On our way back to the car we were propositioned by a beggar who (Intern)Bill gave a buck. The man then started talking to us a bit. At about the point he started touching me (despite the couple of times I moved away) I was ready to go. (Intern)Bill's phone rang, and he took the call. A very long 30-60 seconds later he looked at me and said 'You know what...' I pounced, "We gotta go?" "Yeah," he confirmed and I made my excuses to our street host. Afterwards I learned that it was his father calling to chat.


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