Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dirty Filthy No Good Liar

Mumsy and I are putting on this convention in September, as you know. We're very excited for it, but there hasn't been much talk on her boards. So last night she declared that I needed to join one of her forums as a newbie with a name that wouldn't be traced back to her and set myself up to be told about the convention.

Dutifully (and selfishly—I need this thing to succeed!) I did just that.

And now I have a new friend on the list. I feel terrible keeping up my facade, but I can't tell her the truth. There's a set of important rules I learned long ago about lying:
1. don't do it.
2. if ya gotta do it, tell as much truth as you can.
3. stick to crap you know and can fudge about with well—don't make yourself out to be an expert in an area about which you know nothing.

Seems like great advice. One minor problem, my new friend moved from Seattle, so she's bound to know people and places and could very well blow my cover story unintentionally! Zoinks!!


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