Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Y'all's Plans

Cyclist asked me this afternoon, "What are y'all's plans for the weekend?"

"I don't have any, really," I replied. Ignoring the plural in that question.

My coworkers have long been giving me grief about my "relationship" with Bill. They claim we're dating, and refuse to listen to my protests of no, we're not. It doesn't help that I do say 'we' when talking about things we do, did, and are planning on doing. And, we all assume that 'we' means Me n' Bill.

To make things worse, Cyclist later asked, "Do you guys want to come over and jam on Monday?"

"Yeah, I should be up for it. I'll ask Bill if he wants to." Um... why is he asking me if Bill can come out and play? Shouldn't that be something they discuss? I know I was the middleman at first, but, that time has past, and if they boys want to play, they should just do it.


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