Thursday, September 17, 2009

Boulder to the Shoulder

I went whitewater kayaking again this week. This time in a hardshell. It was much harder.

I flipped my kayak three times—it wasn't pretty.

The worst part? At one point I went down at the beginning of the rapid and had to swim down the rapid. I hit a whole bunch of rocks, with all sorts of me. Including, but not limited to, my head, my ankle, my shoulder, and, apparently, my ribs. Oh, and my favorite: my thumb.

Two days later, I'm still convincing myself I didn't break my ribs, and I'm quite glad that I still have full mobility in my shoulder.

Not feeling too hot, but I suppose it's only fair. If all holds from my previous sporting injuries, I should be good to go and not have another mess like this for quite a while.

Here's hoping.


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