Thursday, May 26, 2005

Took Him Long Enough

I was about to apologize for how politically charged my blog has become these past three days, but I changed my mind. By just glancing at my name people jump to conclusions on my political viewpoints anyway, so why not put them out there for you to examine.

Today the closed-minded-bigoted "pastor" previously mentioned wrote a retractment of his earlier refusal to take down his seriously misguided sign (Daily Courier article here). It sounds to me like he got tired of people asking him to defend his actions. More importantly, however, I think that the backlash from the Baptist community may have sparked his new belief "that devoted Muslims view it [the Koran] more highly than many in the U.S. view the Bible." While I agree with this statement, I'm surprised that he hadn't already figured all of this out after the original global backlash from the very same Newsweek article that "inspired" his marquee. Let's face it, the guy is a disgrace to the cloth -- even the Baptists aren't overly thrilled with him. Oh, and because we both know you didn't bother to RTFA, my favorite part of this whole mess is this:
    Lovelace, who graduated from high school in 2000, claims four degrees, including a doctor of theology degree, from "Slidell Baptist Seminary" in Slidell, La. The unaccredited correspondence school offers degrees ranging from $500 for an "Associate of Theology" to $900 for a "Doctor of Divinity," with "all lectures on cassette" and the King James Bible as the only textbook. Lovelace obtained the four degrees in less than 15 months, according to school records.

Uh, yeah. 'Nough said.


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