Monday, May 02, 2005

Tree Hugger

Sunday I was walking with one of the hot boys who live across the street from me. We were having a plesant enough chat when, all of the sudden, he decided he didn't want the gum he was chewing anymore, and spit it into the grass! I stopped mid-sentence and cried, "You did not just spit that in the grass!"
"Yeah. So?"
"So, that's so not eco-responsible!"
"It's bio-degradable."
"It is not!"
"It should be."
"Well, that may be true, but you shouldn't have spit it out!"
"Whatever, you little Tree Hugger!"
Uh, duh! Here's a big news flash. Granola is a Tree Hugger, imagine the implications!
Eventually, we each let it drop, only to have it brought up again, later.
"I can't belive you spit it in the grass."
"I can't believe you had such a cow about it!"
"I did not have a cow!"
"Whatever. It was a very large mammal!"
"Tree Hugger."

I still can't believe he just spit it out like that. (Ecological implications aside, gum just sucks to step in.) I think he's still in shock that I'm a tree hugger.


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