Thursday, July 21, 2005


Sorry it's been a while. Work has been rather hectic, and since I no longer have a working computer/internet connection at home, I haven't been able to write. Oh Saturday we went river rafting as a congregation down in Moab, on the Colorado river. It was fun. The last river trip I went on we hit mostly class 2 and 3 (one 4) rapids. On this trip we hit ones and twos, only. So, while it was fun, it certainly wasn't the best (as far as rapids go) trip. It was, however, very enjoyable, and lazy.

Right before our lunch stop we hit the biggest rapid we'd go through all day. However, we missed the rapid, and ended up in the rocks - where by "rocks" I mean boulders approximately 1 yard in diameter, and a whole bunch of 'em. In order to get out of the rocks we had to get out of the raft and maneuver. I jumped out and onto a rock, I was soon joined by 6 or so other girls. After we had freed the raft sufficiently, we had to get back in. No one was too keen on doing that first, so I went. I had to go from one rock to another then another, and then finally to the boat. I slipped on the second rock, and went crashing down. I hit my toe really hard on a rock, and it hurt a whole lot. After that we maneuvered the raft a bit to get everyone else in more easily. Once we were all in the raft our guide exclaimed with relief, "Well, I'm glad no one got hurt!" "Then," I replied, "I suppose I shouldn't tell you that I broke my toes." No one really believed me, but I was positive I had broken at least one. When we stopped for lunch I asked her to tape up my toe, and went on my way.

For the ride home the Bishop's wife had me sit in the middle of the middle seat of her Expedition, with my foot resting on the arm rest/cup holder thing, and a bag of ice tied to it. Most people just thought I had hurt it pretty badly. My bishop really wanted me to go to the doctor for it, and since I pay through the nose for insurance I figured I might as well. I went to the E.R., since we got back 20 minutes too late for urgent care. They took a few x-rays of my foot and confirmed what I had thought all along - one broken toe coming right up! Then, they did precisely what I anticipated -- they taped my middle toe to my second toe, gave me an ultra-sexy blue boot, and sent me on my way.

The upside of the visit was, when the hot guy who had been riding shot-gun on the trip home saw me on Sunday, he asked how my toe was. "Broken." I replied. "Really broken? Did you go to the doctor?" "Yup, and that was what they told me." I guess I got some sympathy out of it, but more importantly, I proved that I wasn't over reacting over the whole bit. Thank you!

Oh, and with a 4-6 week recovery period, Lagoon is going to be hard. But, I'm willing to struggle through it. Now, all I need is to find someone to take with me.


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