Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Today was super crazy and busy and hectic and insane!!! Oh. My. Gosh.

To start off the day I had an unexpected conference call from 9 to 9:30. Mid-call WalksSoftly sent me an instant message wanting to know if I had been interviewed yesterday or the day before. I replied that yes, I had, yesterday.

He poked his head out of his office and wanted to talk to me. I indicated I was on the phone and would stop in as soon as it was over. I didn't have a chance. I had to run to another meeting. After that meeting I stopped in his office.

"How was your interview? What did he ask?" he wanted to know.

"I think I did really well." I replied, elaborating on the questions.

"Good, well as soon as I hear back from the interviewer we'll let you know." I was surprised, only one interview? I thought for sure there would be at least two more. I asked him about this. "No, only one. HR recommended that we do it as a formality." Wow. They were going to promote me sans interview loop! YES!!

He also took the opportunity to tell me about ProjectManager's email to him. WalksSoftly told me pretty much everything the email said. It was actually really hard to act as if this were the first time I was hearing this, and be flattered and embarrassed at the same time. I think I pulled it off.

Fast forward a few hours. I was sitting at my desk im'ing with one of my friends from work. Actually, he's probably my favorite person in the office. I really should have a good entry about him, this isn't the one, though. I have mentioned him previously in this post, but that's the only time. While thus engaged I got an im from WalksSoftly: "Congratulations Granola," it read, "you passed the interview, so I am informing my boss and HR.... You will be SDE-T I." (edited, of course, to reduce the chance that I am discovered.)

I quickly typed a message to my friend, "You wanna go get some 'coffee'?"
"Coffee? You mean hang out by the water cooler?"
"No, I mean I really want to talk to you. Not here, somewhere else."
"Let's go downstairs."
"Sounds good."
And over he came.

I held in the good news until we were on the escalator heading to our hide-out, then, just as I thought I was going to burst I told him all about the whole thing! It was wonderful! His reaction was perfectly ecstatic, but not too much so that it was awkward. Then, we sat in the lobby chatting for almost an hour about nothing. It was great fun. He also told me that he's thinking of leaving our team. I'd really hate to see him go. I know it sounds rather pathetic, but he is probably my closest office friend. It's nice to have a friend at work again. I mean, there are other people in the office with whom I'm friendly, there are even other people with whom I'd spend an hour chatting. But, there's something else about him — we just click in that way that you know you are going to be great friends. I'd hate to lose that just as I'm finding it. Finally, I decided that we needed to get back to work, and work we did. I didn't leave until a little after 6. Oh well.


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