Saturday, December 09, 2006

Thursday Concert

Musician had organized a Thursday lunch concert (for work), and I was really excited to go! Despite having literally 7 hours worth of meetings that day, I went. I used the 40 minutes I was there to prepare for my next two hours of work. Right near the end I saw her—Musician's ex-girlfriend (who shall forever be immortalized as Nurse). I couldn't believe it! It gave me a whole lot of pause—usually when two people break up the only reason they hang out together is either (a) they both still like each other and want to have another go; or (b) one party is still interested. Which, necessarily, means: I'm jealous. What the crap!? Why? Who cares? He's just a dumb boy. grrrr!

After the concert finished (just one last song) I got up and went to go find her. I couldn't very-well be rude to her. He keeps introducing us, and she really is a nice girl, so I suppose it's in my best interest to play nice. We chatted briefly before I had to run back to work.


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