Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How Single I Am

My pi Day (March 14th, get it? 3.14... pi... hahah! Oh, and it happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday, too) celebrations included (rather, were limited to) sending text messages to all my geek friends wishing them a "Happy pi Day." I sent the message to one of my university friends and he replied with the same. I then asked him about the wife and kids. He hates text messaging, so he called and we chatted while I scrubbed a pan or two. After a bit he indicated that he had some new pictures of his daughters that he would send me (they're actually really cute kids, I don't mind getting pictures of them at all). I chuckled and replied that I would love to reciprocate, but I have none of my own.

"Soon enough, gGirl," he reassured me using my college nickname, "soon enough!"

Laughingly I responded, "Do you know how single I am? Let me share with you how single I am!"

And, before I could express the level of singleness in which I existed he said to me, "You're in the kitchen cleaning pots and pans instead of your husband doing them, that's how single you are!"

I had nothing to say. That's exactly how single I am.


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