Sunday, March 11, 2007


Friday after dinner we went to listen to Musician's band play. Nurse was there, of course, so I said hi and we chit-chatted for a while. On their break Musican came over to talk to the group of us who were gathered there. He noticed my two coworkers and asked what the occasion was. I explained that we had gone out to dinner and he asked where we went. I told him, and kind of gave him directions. Then I said, "It was on Capitol Hill (a neighborhood in downtown Seattle), there's an Indian restaurant nearby." What I didn't say was, "that one that we went to for lunch that one time. You remember? You picked it." Being no dummy he picked up on it right away. Then, the brat did something highly annoying, he started smiling, as he internally laughed at the situation. Catching himself he started to try to not smile. Yeah, that resulted in the same behavior from yours truely. Drat. Oh well. It would serve him right if Nurse decided to get curious and figure out exactly what happend there. I'm sure he hasn't told her, and has, instead, allowed her to conclude whatever she would.

On Saturday I was talking to Ninja and she told me that her sister said to her afterwards, "I don't think that Nurse girl likes Granola all that much."

Ninja queried, "Why do you say that?"

"She was glaring at Granola the whole night!!"

Sad. I thought we got along fine, all things considered. I mean, I've been really nice to her, and she reciprocated. Maybe it is all a show on both of our parts. That said, Nurse is overly sure to remind me that they're together in a "casual" way. For example, when I aske her what time she got to the gig on Friday she replied, "We got here at such and such a time." She later was sure to tell me that, "We're learning to Salsa, but it sucks, 'cause everywhere we go that we could Salsa he's playing." Ahh, yes, because some how, for a minute there, I strangly forgot that you're dating. Thanks.

You know what Sir Walter Scott says, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive." One of these days these little games Musican plays is going to jump up and bite him square on the butt. I wish I could be around for it.


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