Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Cranky? Me? Never

This morning I woke up slowly and peacefully to my pager beeping violently at 3 am. When I managed to stumble out of bed and log on I discovered that the problem wasn't that big of a deal. However, it took Hippie and I 2 hours to figure out (generally) where the problem was. I eventually made the decision that I would worry about it in the morning, as it wasn't as big of a concern as my friends in Europe would have me believe.

I emailed the group saying I'd be in late and see you all then. Then, I hit the sack.

At 8:30 I again woke peacefully. This time to the sound of workers moving and climbing on ladders and scrapping on the wall right. outside. my window. I was pissed. 8:30 in the freaking morning! I wasn't going to get much sleeping done, so I got up and headed into the office. Blargh!


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