Thursday, July 05, 2007


I used to eat lunch in the break room at work all the time, then I got some office friends and have been going to out eat with them. It's been quite pleasant. However, during my lunch-at-work stint I frequently dined, and became friends, with a couple of the designers (one of whom I believe I have previously referred to as CuteGayGuy (but that's a totally horrible name for him, and I've known him for too long to give him such a stereotyping moniker—not that he would really mind)).

I still see them around the office, but haven't had lunch with them in ages. Today I decided to eat with them. As we were sitting around he said to me, "Did I see you at Pride Weekend?" (That would be, Gay Pride Weekend for those not in the know.)

"Nope." I replied, a million things running through my head.

"Are you sure?" he queried, "Because I have this blurry memory of seeing you and being all 'Hey!!!!" and stuff."

"Nope." I said again, "honestly, I had forgotten when it was, until it was over."

The other woman eating with us laughed, "A 'blurry' memory, huh? When did you start drinking that day?"

"I was drinking the whole weekend!" he 'reassured' us. "But, I have that memory from this weird few hour block I'm missing!"

We chuckled, it's certainly a different culture, no?

Here's the thing: he knows me, he knows my religious persuasion, and he knows how we feel about homosexuality. Yet, he doesn't consider it outside of the realm of reality that I might participate in Gay Pride weekend. I guess I really don't know if I would have, had I remembered it. I suppose that had I been invited I probably would have shown up, but to go, on my own volition, just to go? I doubt it.

Is anyone else intrigued that he didn't even seem to question the plausibility of me being there?


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