Thursday, November 18, 2004

Love affair

I've discovered the Cello. Ahh, what a gorgeous instrument. I can't believe that I have gone my whole life and never played one. Oh, I've oft enjoyed the sound they have, but I never dreamt that I would be playing it. Surprisingly, perhaps, I'm decent for a beginner.

Having fallen in love so deeply with the general instrument, I have decided that I need to own one for myself. So, today I took a (long) bus ride to a local music store. And there I found her. Beautiful in every way. Her deep burgundy hue makes my breath catch, and her full sound sends chills of lust through me. The way the strings and bow caress each other is supernally intimate. I want her. I must have her.

Ahh, but logic has taken over. She is a pricey lover, and, I, but a poor university student. I have decided to save some money before I take the plunge. I think that I should also spend some time surveying my options. I hesitate to bind myself so fully to such a glorious beast, only to have my lust dissipate and my rational mind tell me that a true romance was never meant to be.

Friday, November 12, 2004


Today I finally got prints of some sculptures that I had made a year ago. I’m excited because I can finally start working on that portfolio that I tell myself I’m going to put together. Who would have thought that taking photographs of your own art work would be such a daunting task? I’ve been putting it off for sometime now, and I have no excuse.