Sunday, June 05, 2005

Fruit Fly

In addition to all of the sub-cultures I belong to, there is one that really sets me apart from the majority of the people in Provo. I am a 'fruit fly' or 'fag hag' if you prefer. Personally, I think the term 'fruit fly' is a whole lot less offensive, and a much more low-key term. Since those who fall into this category aren't exactly looking to be out-ed anytime soon, and most people here don't have a clue what that term might mean, it's probably better that I stick with it.

sadly, my fruit fly-ness is worse than most, as my fruits have actually dated me. I can see you want proof. Allow me:
N - straight, but so effeminate his mother once asked him if he was gay. Oh, and we never dated, but he was madly in love with me for years.
P - dated him for four months. The sad part is, I knew he was struggling with his sexuality. In the two years since we dated he has since quit the struggle, and is now pursuing his friend J.
L - didn't know we were dating until we weren't any more. 3 weeks in this one. He is so flamming gay I wish he would just face it himself. Someday, hopefully. Then he can start patching his life together.
C - announced he was Bi when we first met. Never really dated, but had extended flirtations. After we stopped seeing each other he announced he was straight. My favorite thing he ever said, "I consider myself to be attracted to people, not plumbing." Oh, sexy.

Now, that's only four, you're telling yourself, and the first one doesn't really count, so that makes three. Agreed. However, ask yourself, how many gay men have you known, much less dated, in Provo? (This question doesn't count if you, yourself, are a gay man. Sorry.)

My only question is this: What is it about me that these guys find attractive enough to date? Am I really that Butch?


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