Sunday, June 25, 2006


I'm not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I have taken up stretching my own canvas for this ginormous project I have under development. Basically, I'm taking one wall of my living room and painting canvases of all sorts of different dimensions and placing them together haphazardly to form one big three-dimensional painting. Like I said: ginormous.

Now, before this one is even finished, I have concocted a second equally massive project: on the opposing wall, above my bookshelf, I want to build canvases that are not symmetric in shape (or, rather, puzzle-piece-shaped) and piece them together, with an inch between each canvas. The whole thing will start about 6" tall in the middle and increase in height until the end pieces are 14". Oh, and unlike the miss-match of the current project, the whole set will be one (very obvious) scene. Maybe a sunset or something like that. I hope it will be as cool as I'm envisioning. (cross your fingers for me!)


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