Friday, July 14, 2006


You know those days where the highlight of the entire day was being an uber-wench to someone who has stepped on the wrong nerve one too many times? That was me, today.

I'm on call this week, which really has only served to add to the stress I'm currently facing as we madly dash towards our current deadline (which we didn't make, by the way). Around 12:30 I realized that something I had to do (because I am on call) was dependent upon someone else in another team doing their job. I also realized that this other person had not done his job. So, I sent an email to the standard email list asking if someone was planning on doing it. Then I ran down to the cafeteria to grab a sandwich to bring back to my desk since I would be working through lunch.

At 1 CubeBuddy saw my email and started quizzing me about it. I was tired, stressed, and frustrated. She wanted to know who was responsible for the missing information I needed. I told her that I didn't know, but, clearly, I had emailed the whole list, so someone should be dealing with it. She asked me what if no one dealt with it and it had to be dealt with on Sunday. I informed her that I sincerely doubted that it would be a problem on Sunday. If anything, I told her, it would be a problem for me, tonight. She pushed and pushed and pushed — not satisfied with my 99.99999% probability that it wouldn't effect her in any way, shape, or form. Finally, tired of this line of conversation, I told her that if she was so worried about it she could follow up with the other team. She asked me who the other team was, and who I thought was responsible for the items that weren't done. I told her that as far as I could tell it was the group that I had cc'ed in the email. She didn't like that answer, but I was really snippy so she just went to researching the information herself. Five minutes later, having no success, she turned to me and announced that she had decided to not worry about it.

At 2:30 I asked her if she had heard back from anyone on the other team. "No, I told you I wasn't going to worry about it, I thought you heard me." came the reply.

"Oh, I don't remember. Sorry. Thanks."

At 3 I emailed the team responsible directly (rather than via the mailing list) and informed them that it looks like they forgot to do the stuff we needed, and the person I think may be responsible seems to be on vacation for the next week, so they need to have someone else do it while he's gone. I received and email 2 minutes later asking if that was supposed to be done today. Who was that email from? My old team member who recently (last month) moved to another team. Apparently, he was responsible for giving us the information we needed. Ironic, since he used to be the one who did the check off I was currently doing. It didn't get done.

The take away message for today is: sometimes, when your coworker is just get too stressed out to function, jumping all over that last nerve is not the way to endear yourself to them. And, as predicted, it wasn't a problem with anyone. I hope she gets paged for a completely unrelated issue, anyway.


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