Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Can I Be?

Can I be:
A feminist and anti-porn?
Anti-porn and pro-sexuality?
Anti-porn without ever seeing any?
A strong feminist and a devout Mormon?
Mormon and not sure if I want kids?
Devout Mormon and not sure if I even want to be married?

Can I be:
Pro-meat and not eat it?
Eat meat and be vegetarian?
How about dairy and vegan?

Can I be:
Judgmental and loving?
Kind but guarded?
Liberated but willing to have doors held for me?
Liberated and friends with those who spout misogynistic views (whether they believe them or not)?
A feminist and insulted when my date doesn't pick me up at my door?
What if I expect him to pay for dinner, as well?

Can I be open-minded but offended?
Can I be LDS and pro-Roe?

Can I be:
LDS and for the morning after pill?
Law abiding and a security professional?
One of the guys and very much a woman?

Can I be:
Liberal but a prude?
Straight without ever switch hitting to know for sure?
Artistic and logical?
Emotionally in tune and cold hearted?

Can express thoughts and feelings from the depths of my being and not know who that being is?
Can I be who I am and still be me?
Can I not?


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