Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hanging Out

While Sweetheart and I were out shopping for my junk one of the girls in the ward called and asked if we would help her with a huge project she has to take care of. We agreed, but when we got to the meeting place we discovered that it was locked for the weekend, so we couldn't. We decided, instead, to eat.

I called up Musician to ask him if he wanted to join us. He didn't answer his phone, so Sweetheart and I ate together. It was a good day.

As we were ordering Network called and asked what we were up to. I told him, and he said we should go to his house when we were finished and join him and the girl from earlier as well as Nanny and work on the project. We agreed.

An hour and a half later, my phone rang, it was Musician. "Girl! [as in my last name, not as in, 'woman!', he likes to call me by my last name] What are you doing?" I told him, "Well," he announced, and didn't really ask, "I'm in Seattle Center. Come buy me Indian Food!"

"Uh, remember that one time that I still don't have a car? And, I just ate. But, you should eat and come join us."

We discussed this for a bit. He wanted to hang out, but wasn't overly thrilled about doing this art project. I told him he could sit and hang out while the rest of us were productive. He agreed, saying he would eat first. He eventually called and came over.

When he first arrived we were all in the kitchen talking about whatever, Musician complimented Network's house, and made some comments about his own, and how he's in the middle of a huge remodeling project. "When do I get to see your house?" I asked.

"Whenever you go out there. You can come out tonight, if you want."

"Sure, you wanna drive me home?" (I live about 30 minutes in the wrong direction from where we were).

Network jumped in, "Do you have your own room, Musician?" (I think I've mentioned before that Musican lives with his brother, sister-in-law, and their daughter).

"Uh, yeah."

"Well, there you go. You can just hop in his bed and spend the night." Great, thanks for the offer, Network. Keeping in mind, these are my friends from church!

"Nahh, the walls are too thin for that to not be a problem." Musician so kindly replied.

My jaw hit the floor and my face turned 18 shades of red! My goodness!! Scandal!

Nanny decided that I was only red because I hadn't thought of it first. That might have been a portion of it, but I was also trying hard to not say something to the effect of, "Well, I don't know how loud you are, but I'm rather quiet." I did opt to just stand there looking silly with my mouth hanging open.

Eventually, we moved from the kitchen to the living room, where we had a good time chatting and slipped into politics for a while. Since we were across the room from each other we were kind of talking over people. We were asked to just sit on the same couch and talk amongst ourselves so everyone else could be productive. We did.

Time passed, conversation carried on, whatever. Sweetheart was complaining about her back hurting, so Nanny gave her a massage. Well, I gave myself a migraine earlier by not eating all day (brilliant move, I know), so I asked for one. I was denied. Network laughed, "You've got your boy right there, why don't you ask him for a massage? Put your head in his lap and he'll rub your neck for you, I'm sure. Uh, be sure to put a pillow under your head, though." What is it with these boys?

I let the moment pass, then asked, "If I asked you really nicely would you rub my neck?" He didn't really respond, so I said, "Well, I'll take that as a 'no'."

The conversation flowed into Mormon film, and how I didn't like a particular movie. Musician asked why and I gave him my reasons — mostly because the director had chosen to show the entire Sacrament prayer on the film. Musician argued that they are public ordinances, and so why should it matter, I argued that the problem isn't that we should keep them secret, but we should remember that they are sacred. Finally, he came to a conclusion, "You're a prude!" he declared. What could I do but laugh! The only people who call me 'prude' are my siblings, but that's only in comparison. I expect to be called a prude by people who don't really live the Gospel, but from him it came as quite a shock. He's seen me at my feminist best, and my politically worked up, I was a bit floored to have him call me a 'prude.'

I did ask him why. He said it just seemed that I have a lot of personal space and I don't like that to be crossed (I think he was thinking about the incident in the kitchen, but didn't want to bring it up and embarrass me again, but, in all fairness, he's really right. I am amazingly open about just about everything, but those things I chose to keep private, I keep very private.).

Eventually we moved the party to Denny's, which is where our next blog entry picks up.


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