Sunday, November 05, 2006

Movie Night and Good ol' Ward Gossip

One of the girls in the ward sent me a text this afternoon inviting me to her house for a movie and good company. I decided to give Musician a call and invite, since he hasn't been in the ward that long, and the possibility that she has his number is pretty small. He didn't answer, so I left a message complete with details of her address, etc.

He called me back and said it sounded like a lot of fun, and what time should he pick me up? Oh. Ok. Sure. I thought I was just passing on the word, I didn't know I was "inviting him along". Cool.

So, we went to this girl's house and a bunch of other people came. I was sitting on the couch next to him sharing a foot rest which was quite fun, since we rubbed feet (where by 'we' I mean, 'he rubbed his feet against mine') and arms a couple of times. At one point he seemed about to put his arm around me, but didn't. I wonder why not.

We watched The Recruit, and early on someone asked if the main female role was Jean Grey from X Men. She certainly looked like it, so I readily agreed. He disagreed. We argued back and forth and got nowhere. Finally one of the other girls there offered to look it up. Musician asked me if I wanted to put money on whether or not it was the same actress. "Sure, I'll give you a whole dollar."

He was going to have none of that, "How about you pay for dinner at that Indian restaurant."

"Deal, and if I'm right, you pay."

"Sure, but I'm not wrong."

He was right. Minutes later when the results came in he gloated ever so briefly, "Hmm, Spinach Aloo or Mushroom Gobi? They both sound so good!" He got a silly face from me. "Let this be a lesson to you, young padawan, I'm always right about movies." Well, if nothing else, I have another date with him already lined up.

After the movie finished we checked the time and decided on watching another, "Why don't we watch another movie with Jean Grey, like I, Robot," he suggested (By the way, the woman who played Jean Grey was not in I, Robot, the woman in The Recruit, on the other hand, is). We opted for The Island. He hates the main female character, and Lurch was there to give me a ride home, so he bailed. I would have liked to have had him drive me home, but it really made no sense, since he lives the opposite direction of my place.

After Musician left our hostess asked me, "So, are you guys official, now?"

"Huh? No. We're not dating."

"Oh? You just called him 'hon' and 'honey' a bunch."

"I call everyone 'hon'," I argued defiantly.

"Not like that," she calmly informed me, "It was different." Yeah? Well, whatever, we're not dating.

On the ride home Lurched asked me about it, since I mentioned that we had gone out last night. (Actually, I had mentioned that I went with an undisclosed party, and when he pressed I told him it was on a need-to-know basis, and he didn't need to know. When I told him that I was catching a ride with someone else he asked if it was the guy from last night. I wasn't going to lie, so he figured it out.) "Well, I'm glad someone in the group is dating someone, at least."

"We're not dating!"

"Well, at least has a consistent dating partner." Great, two and a half dates and we're 'consistent dating partners'. Whatever.

Also, since I'm talking about sure-fire ward gossip I should mention that last night one of the guys in the ward called to invite the three girls over for some sort of get together (he was inviting a bunch of people, I gather). I told him that I would love to go, but "I have a hot date."

"Oh?" his interest piqued, "Do we know him?"


"Is he in the ward?"


Fast forward to this morning, 8:30 am. My phone rings. It's my friend from last night asking about how my date went and if they needed to rough anyone up for me. I assured him that it was fun, things went fine, and no, thank you, but there was no need to get medieval on anyone. When Musician and I arrived together tonight this guy was already there. Out-freaking-standing. I'm afraid this is going to make it around the ward in record time. Tragic, since I'm still hoping that FlyBoy makes the time to ask me out soon.

Nanny makes an excellent point, it's rough being me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And where was my phone call today??? Glad you are dating :D
love MOM

November 05, 2006 9:37 pm  

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