Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Let's Do Lunch

Musician and I went to lunch today. And that was all. We went to this Indian place, which isn't "That Indian Place", and were both disappointed in the food. Oh well.
After lunch he drove me home and dropped me off (since I had no idea how long lunch was going to be I went in early and just took an hour off). We had a good time getting to know each other a bit better. It was interesting, we chatted more like old friends than two people on a date.

A few interesting things about him:
1. The two times he's picked me up at my place he calls to say he's on his way, and I always meet him out front. Does this bother me? Yes. Why, aren't I supposed to be "liberated"? It bugs the heck out of me — simple manners say you should go to someone's door to pick them up. Good golly!

2. He never gets the door for me. Until today, that is. I made a point of going through a door he could have been opening for himself and as I breezed through I said, "Thank you." Now, it's not like I need to have the door opened for me, I just think it's polite to get the door for the person you're with sometimes. After I did that once (or twice) I was floored when he opened the car door for me. Ok, ok, he didn't really open the door for me, he actually opened it to retrieve the parking sticker so he could leave it on the meter for the next person, and then he pushed the door the rest of the way open for me.

3. Today was the first day that he actually dropped me off (the night of the debate I dropped me off in his car, and sent him on his way home — from my back door), and given points 1 and 2, I was floored when he watched me walk to my door. Especially since it was still daylight when he dropped me off. Frankly, I don't know what to make of that!

So, what does this mean? Beats me. What I do know is, we need to get together again.


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