Thursday, June 07, 2007


Here's a picture I just finished. Let's play the interactive art viewer game. I'm going to ask a number of questions. You get to answer them. The more honestly the better. Oh, and exactly how big is this puppy? 36" x 40" (90 cm x 100 cm, roughly).

1. Which way is 'up'? The beauty of abstract art is it has no up or down. Spin it around and tell me which side is the top. Let's assume currently the sides are lettered clockwise from the top: A B C D (with 'A' at the top, and 'B' on the right, etc) How do you have it oriented?

2. What, if any, emotions does it invoke? How do you feel when looking at it?

3. What do you think about it? (As opposed to how do you feel about it?)

4. After all that, would you hang it in your house (assuming it would fit)?

5. Anything else you'd like to add? Questions for me? Ok then. Have at it.


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