Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Date That Never Happened

Installment numbero dos of the ongoing demotion/delay saga (does it feel like installment four or five to anyone else?).

I called TreeHugger tonight to confirm the exciting date for tomorrow night. A date that in my great excitement to accept I managed to forget the First Thursday art walk.

He apologized (this is becoming habitual for him) and explained that as soon as he got back to work his boss announced that he had to go to California for some conference, and he wouldn't be back until next Monday. Uh huh.

A number of apologies later he said, "Can we do it next week?"

Despite my resolve to be strong I said, "Um..." let's take a moment and observe the pregnant pause coming from my side of the conversation... ... ... Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled conversation dump. "sure."

He laughed, the kind of laugh that says, 'yeah, I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar', and mimicked my thoughts (and mocked himself), " 'Yeah. Right.' "

As I had already caved I figured wasn't going to manage to grow a backbone and tell him (as much as I kind of wanted to), "Look, your life is obviously busy right now. Why don't you give me a call when things settle down." (The preclusion to that comment? He had explained that things were always crazy for him.)
"Let's do this," I suggested instead, "why don't you figure it out, then give me a call?"

"Sure." he agreed. Really, what else could he do. I guess in a way I was telling him that I was kind of tired of being strung along, but, simultaneously, leaving that door propped open, just a little bit. "I should have things figured out by Sunday."

I didn't say 'Talk to you then.' That would assume that he would actually call me back. In stead I said ok, and wished him a great weekend, and hung up the phone in a cheery manner.

So, yeah, I'm not expecting a call. If I get one, it'll be a pleasant surprise. Which, frankly, is really too bad. I was quite interested in him, and even let myself get excited for the demoted-demoted date that was supposed to happen tomorrow.

At the end of the day: glad I didn't waste time trying to be in a relationship with him. And, now I get to go to Art Walk! So. There.


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