Sunday, July 15, 2007

Half Plus Seven

There exists a silly little device for determining if someone is date-able, based solely on age. There are many other factors, but this one helps a great deal with the creepy level of things. The rule is simple, your lower bound (the youngest you should date) is calculated by dividing you age in half and adding seven. You upper bound (the oldest you should date) is calculated by subtracting seven from your age and multiplying by two.


Lower Bound = l
Upper Bound = u
Your age = a

l = (a/2) + 7
u = (a - 7) * 2

If you're 27 that means:

l = ( 27 / 2 ) + 7 = 20.5
u = ( 27 - 2 ) * 2 = 40

Which, in English, means: A 27 year old should date no one younger than 20 1/2 or older than 40. That's a huge range, but it helps to clarify the creep factor.

The intern in question 2 posts ago fits very very closely to my lower bound. So there.


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