Sunday, August 12, 2007

And Racism

I didn't tell you the whole story. The painting I sold last month entitled "Cigar Smoke" was only half of the tale. When describing what he wanted his painting to look like it would go in a room which "looks like it should smell like cigar smoke" my customer actually elaborated further by proclaiming "and racism!"

Initially, I was quite uncomfortable with his description. I mean, the description is quite vivid, and we all know what he's talking about, but to paint a picture for that sort of environment is, well, frankly, off putting. (Caveat here: while he's not racist, he wants the 'good ol' boy' sort of room that conjures up that image. You know that one, old leather furniture, a huge oak desk, etc, etc, etc.) Thus, I decided to focus on the first half of that description which gave us 'Cigar Smoke.' When I delivered it he was so excited by the name that he excitedly said, "Now I want 'racism!!'" I laughed.

Then, I got to thinking: how would I create a picture that would work in his desired environment and simultaneously portray my abhorrence for racism?

I figured it out. Then, I shared it with him, and begged him to let me do it. He's a bit nervous to drop some more dough on another painting. "On one hand, I want to pay you what it's worth (as it's only fair), but on the other, I don't know if I want to pay what you'll ask!" he told me frankly.

So, I didn't go to work on it.

Twice in the past couple of weeks he's asked me, "How's 'Racism' coming?" I have told him I'm not working on it.

Yesterday, I bought stretcher boards for the canvas, and barbed wire. Trust me, it'll tie in. I can hardly wait! I think I'll charge him the same (or maybe even a bit less) for this one. I really want him to have it.


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