Saturday, April 09, 2005

Caught in the Act

Allow me to begin by letting you all in on a not so little non-secret of mine. I am, erm, "Well Endowed," as they say. This has been a problem for me generally only in the fashion arena. There is little I can do to change my situation, so I just deal, and make sure that my shirts don't show too much when I bend over. Brief aside: I once caught a guy I was dating staring down my shirt when I was leaning over the table reaching for something. It was an awkward moment when I realized what was going on. Mainly because he had just finished telling me that he didn't like breasts, which was an acceptable revelation, considering he "liked boys more than girls."

With that piece of background in mind, read on: Tonight as I was walking down the hall in the programming building to get a drink, I felt a slight draft. Worried about the aforementioned fashion issue I glanced down to make sure everything was aligned correctly. Looking up, I immediately made eye-contact with some sun-starved nerd. He had seen the whole thing. Only, from his angle, I had simply been checking out my own cleavage. Great. I hope he keeps that image in his spank-file for a long time. As long as I don't have to know about it.


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