Thursday, April 14, 2005

Making Hot Men Hotter

I'm shallow. It's true. There really is little I can add to that claim, except to expound upon it. See, it works like this -- I'd love to say that the first thing I notice about a member of the opposite gender is something deep and meaningful, like personality, or spirituality, or a whole list of things, but let's be honest: I notice his looks. Then I start going down the mental checklist of attractive features.

Here, I feel the need to clarify a few points:
1) If he's super-hot, but dumber than a pile of sticks, he instantly becomes ugly;
2) If he's moderately attractive, but is a raging intellect, his attractively level sky-rockets.

That being said, the best way to make an attractive man scorching hot is to add a brain and then some personality. Yeah. Now I just need to convince the guys I know who fall into the category that they want to date me... muahahahahaha!


Blogger Alicia said...

Your points are completely valid. It's amazing how moderatly attractive can turn to hot, once brains are added to the equation.
When they can debate with me, that, my friend is golden.

April 15, 2005 12:25 pm  
Blogger granola girl said...

Heh. The funny thing is, as soon as I recognized your name from other blogs, I wondered how you stumbled across mine; and, how frequently you read it. Then I got around to reading what you had to say. Yeah, I'm retarded like that.

April 17, 2005 7:13 pm  

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